
We meet to worship God every Sunday at 11am, at Rotterdamer Strasse 135, 40474, Düsseldorf. Since parking on church grounds is reserved for congregants in need of accessible parking please park at Messe P5 (free exit tickets are available after service).

1st Sunday in month: Family Service, followed by lunch in the church hall, to which everyone is warmly invited.

2nd Sunday in month: Morning Worship, with Sunday School for children and young people.

3rd Sunday in month: Holy Communion, with Sunday School for children. All those who are baptised, and who are either confirmed, or who receive communion in their home church, are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper. Parents are welcome to bring their children with them to receive a blessing.

4th Sunday in month: Morning Worship, with Sunday School for children and young people.

5th Sunday in month: Holy Communion, with Sunday School for children.

If you are new to Christ Church, we hope and pray that you will feel at home here, and enjoy worshipping as part of our church family. Our welcome packet gives more information on becoming a member of Christ Church: