Children and Young People

We love having children and young people at Christ Church. They are welcome to join in worship, or to take part in our Powerhouse groups:

  • Sparklers - children aged 3-4 - led by Victoria and Ozi

  • Livewires - children aged 5-9 - led by Gunilla

  • Dynamos - children aged 10-12 - led by Thorsten

  • Fusion - young people aged 13+ - led by Kevin and Miriam

On the first Sunday in every month, the whole church worships together as one family. On the other Sundays in the month, the children are with everyone else for the first part of worship, and then go out to their own groups. Fusion meets on the second and fourth Sundays of the month - on the third Sunday they remain in church and worship with the whole church family.

Children learn about who Jesus is, what he has done for them, and following him, whilst having fun and making friends.


The church recognises and values children, young people (anyone under the age of 18) and vulnerable adults as equal partners in the life and ministry of the church. Children are involved in the life of the church, in worship and various activities under the Guidance of a dedicated group of leaders and helpers, who encourage them to explore, discover and live out the Christian Gospel. These adults give time freely and generously so that our children can grow in faith of Jesus Christ.

Our chaplaincy council takes seriously its obligations and its responsibilities to protect and safeguard the welfare of any children, young people or vulnerable adults entrusted to the churches care. Both children and adults need a safe and secure environment in which to work, learn and play. The diocese and chaplain must play their part, together with parents, carers and other agencies in the prevention of child abuse. Our chaplaincy council has appointed Frau Katharina Escher  to be the chaplaincy’s child safeguarding representative to whom any allegations or concerns about abuse should be directed. The nominated person is not normally one of those directly working with children and young people. They will follow the guidelines and procedures for responding to any allegations of abuse.

For more information, please contact the safeguarding officer Katharina Escher. 
